News & Media

20th meeting of the European Association for Forensic Entomology (EAFE)

The annual meeting of the European Association for Forensic Entomology took place in Ingelheim from 12. - 14. June 2024.

"Body Farm" - Decomposition in the service of science

"When was the time of death? This is an important question for investigators, and not just in crime fiction. On a "body farm", a Frankfurt researcher wants to watch animal corpses decompose in order to gain
new insights. The plan meets with resistance."

radio report on Deutschlandfunk from 18 June 2024. (in german)

How forensic scientists solve murders in Hesse

A video report by hessenschau from 07.05.2024.

From minute 3:20, insects take centre stage. A murder case is used to explain the role that forensic entomology can play in solving such offences.

Working with pig cadavers to hunt criminals🤓

Video and podcast contributions to our open-air experiment in Münster 2021 (in german).

"How exactly does the human body decompose? How exactly do corpses decompose? 
This knowledge can be crucial for police work. This is being researched in e.g. the USA on so-called body farms. In Germany, investigators and students are now being trained in a research project using pigs. These are important findings for criminology, as there is no precise data available for Germany. The decomposition process of corpses has not yet been researched in detail for our climatic conditions."

From the TV show on July 24th, 2021

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